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GGA Blog

Explore expert tips and insights on effective pest control solutions with the GGA Pest Management Blog.

Fighting Troublesome Bugs With Sound?
March 22, 2017

The year of 2016 saw a lot of insects causing devastation worldwide. If it is not the Zika virus, then it's invasive insect pests. One particular insect-pest that has caused a considerable amount of trouble is known as the bark beetle. The bark beetle happens to be one of the most damaging insect-pests that exist in the world today. However, a music professor from the University of California at Santa Cruz, and a researchers from Northern Arizona University, may introduce the world to an instrument that will fix

Opossums May Be Earth's Oldest Living Mammals
March 20, 2017

Very few people get excited about spotting an opossum in the wild. In fact, opossums would likely scare any person who spotted one, especially young children. This is because opossums are strange and very different looking mammals. Not many mammals in the wild are sporting frightening fangs, and a menacing sneer, which seems to be the expression that an opossum's natural resting face shows. It would not surprise you to hear that opossums deserve more respect, but not many mammals alive today can claim to have been around when the dinosaurs

A Woman Had A Family Of Super-Aggressive Spiders Living Within Her Mailbox
March 17, 2017

Imagine going out to check your mail in the morning, only to find a foot long huntsman spider, and a bunch of her spiderlings, right before you stick your hand into your mailbox. Well, that has never happened before as far as I am aware. However, there was a good long period of time when a particular mailman could have experienced this unfortunate scenario. One curious women decided to allow a female huntsman spider to go on living within her mailbox until it was well enough to live on its own again. Apparently this woman did not find it necessary to notify her mailman. For weeks a spider enthusiast, Natasha Joyce, allowed a huntsman spider to start a family within her mailbox. Initially, she had planned on the mailbox being only a temporary comfort for the spider, but over the course of several days, the giant spider grew on the woman, and she could not let it go. Eventually, several people from her neighborhood began visiting the spider family in droves regularly. As time went on several visitors began noticing that an egg-sac was present within the mailbox, which fascinated and terrified many neighbors. Some neighbors were concerned that the spiderlings would procreate in the region, which could result in some garden-eaters making their way to the neighbors yard. Eventually, several people, mostly kids, banned together in order to collectively build a spider-nursery within the mailbox. At this point, some parents from around the neighborhood did not want their kids visiting the spider, due to its potentially damaging bite. Mrs. Joyce decided to call a professional entomologist employed at a museum in order to ascertain the risk that the huntsman might pose to others. Luckily, despite its enormous size, the huntsman spider possesses venom that is far from potent. However, mother huntsman spiders are well known to become super-aggressive while protecting her spiderlings. Luckily, nobody from the neighborhood was attacked by any giant huntsman spiders. Have you ever seen a huntsman spider inside of your home? How did you remove it from you home?    

The Zika Virus May Cause Heart Problems
March 16, 2017

Just when you thought that having the Zika virus could not be any more deadly, it turns out that the virus may cause cardiac issues in some people. According to a study that will be presented at the latest annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology members, the Zika virus caused heart rhythm problems

The Frustrating Reality Experienced By Professional Fly Counters
March 15, 2017

There are plenty of lousy jobs in the world that literally nobody wants. Examples include sewer-diver and professional toilet-cleaners. However, there is one particular job within the agricultural industry that must be tedious, but it is definitely important. Imagine counting flies

A Cockroach Has Been Extracted From A Woman�s Nose
March 14, 2017

A very unlucky woman awoke one night to sensations of tingling in her nose as if there were something moving beneath her skin. The woman never expected to have a roach pulled out her nose

The Largest And Most Prosperous Spider Colonies Perish More Quickly Than Smaller Colonies
March 13, 2017

The Largest And Most Prosperous Spider Colonies Perish More Quickly Than Smaller Colonies You would think that for any type of colony oriented species of animal bigger colonies with more members would certainly be more likely to survive than smaller colonies with far fewer members. After all, more colony members mean more opportunities to locate and share sources of sustenance with the rest of the colony. However, recent studies have clearly demonstrated that the opposite is the case as smaller spider colonies are much more likely to survive

The World�s Largest Spider Fossil May Give You Nightmares
March 10, 2017

Pest Control A team of paleontologists from the University of Kansas have discovered the largest spider fossil

Ticks Are Killing Moose At An Alarming Rate
March 8, 2017

It is not uncommon for outdoor adventure enthusiasts to stumble upon dead animals while out and about in nature. However, it is not often that you see a dead moose being consumed by hundreds of thousands of ticks. Unfortunately, for the past several years, these macabre sightings of mutilated moose have only been increasing.

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