People Fear Bed Bugs Despite Not Knowing What They Look Like
People Fear Bed Bugs Despite Not Knowing What They Look Like
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People Fear Bed Bugs Despite Not Knowing What They Look Like
The Heat Is Bringing Out Large Amounts Of Brown Recluse Spiders In The South Brown recluse spiders are traveling the countryside again. If you are a resident of a southern state, then you may have noticed the influx of brown recluse spiders. Dozens of spider bite incidents have been reported in the southern region of the United States. The warm weather is driving the brown recluse spiders north
Zika Could Become A Threat If Research Is No Longer Funded So far this year we folks in America have not heard much about the Zika virus, and Brazil seems to be having a much better summer this year, so maybe Zika has passed us by. Well, according to the experts, this is probably not true, but the experts cannot say anything more than that. Many researchers do not feel comfortable dismissing concern over a disease that they know so little about. Also, the budget cuts being approved in congress will extend to Zika research. So it looks like scientists believe Zika will return, but politicians are sure that Zika has passed us by. In any case, Zika research will be a little slower-going this year
Termites may not be the deadliest insects on earth, but they are certainly the richest. Not too long ago, researchers from Australia discovered bits of gold littered throughout the nests of termites. Now some experts believe that some of these termites can help miners find gold
Just when you thought that you knew everything about termites, it turns out that they can literally blow themselves up. That does not sound possible, but a group of researchers traveling through French Guiana have discovered this bizarre termite-ability first hand. After a scientist spotted a nest of termites, many of which had blue spots located on their backs, the scientist used a pair of forceps to pick a blue-dotted termite up, but it quickly exploded
One Of The World's Largest Insects Is Saved From Extinction Some countries have governments that make insect-conservation a primary concern. New Zealand is one of those countries where insect-conservation is taken very seriously. For example, the giant weta, which is one of the biggest insects in the world and native to New Zealand, has been brought back from the brink of extinction,
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Caterpillar Nectar May Control Ants Behavior Humans are not the only animals on the planet that enjoy taking a load off with a beer, or a cigarette, or whatever you may enjoy. There are plenty of animals in nature that cannot seem to get enough of some type of substance. There have been plenty of studies that demonstrate how some addicted animals behave when they don't get their fix, and they do not take it well. One creature that enjoys a mind-altering substance is a particular species of Japanese ant referred to as Pristomyrmex punctatus
Humans Ate Termites Thousands Of Years Ago When considering the average day in the life of a prehistoric human, you would probably not be surprised to find that our ancestors indulged in some pretty disgusting things, such as eating termites. Of course, ancient humans did not just eat termites regularly; they also ate other insects, like ants. Termites and ants are particularly nutritious, and are especially high in protein. So it seems reasonable to believe that our ancestors consumed ants and termites when a wild animal could not be found. Also, our close primate relatives regularly feast on termites. Thousands of years ago, humans had just as many resources as their primate relatives, so humans almost certainly ate termites